Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Writing A Tender For The First Time? Here Are 3 Tips

Writing a tender is definitely a challenge in itself because it’s basically your chance to grab a great opportunity that you don’t want to miss. If you’ve never written a tender before then it’s all the more important for you to know what exactly goes into a tender and how to go about writing a well drafted tender.

Here are 3 major tips to help you with your first tender.

1. Should be persuasive
A tender should be persuasive and not informative. It’s very important that you get the theme and structure of your tender right. It should be telling the reader why your company is the only one that has a solution to a certain problem and hence deserves this tender. Technical writers say that a persuasive tender should be able to understand the customer, identify its need and then convince why your company is the only one that can satisfy the need.

2. Customise It
Always remember to customise your tender for the client. If you want your tender to stand out, it should be aimed at the influencers and decision makers of your client. Write it from the client’s perspective so that it reads exactly like it’s talking to them. If you face trouble writing your first tender, you can always hire writers for tenders in NSW.

3.  Details and Grammar
It’s very important that you give as much detail as you can in your tender. Submit a timetable for things like deliveries, logistics etc. This will show that you know what you need to do, how, and by when.

Last, but one of the most important points, is to make sure your grammar is right. Nothing puts off a reader like bad grammar. If you’re unsure of your writing skills or grammar, be sure and hire a technical or tender writer for the job.

Tender writing is like a door to an opportunity and so it needs to be very carefully drafted. It takes just one mistake for a tender to be rejected. It’s important that everything in your tender be to the point and well written.

Hiring a professional will surely give you an advantage in the process, but it is also important to choose one with at least ten years experience and a solid portfolio of case studies to showcase their work, therefore consider Madrigal Communications, the expert tender writers in Sydney.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Why You Should Avoid Writing A Tender Response Yourself

Tenders are high-value business contracts and winning them can make a big difference in making your business more successful. Most companies aim to win private and government tenders because such contracts help them to exponentially enhance their profits and build valuable connections in their respective industries.

Why do many companies in Sydney fail to win business contracts of their choice?

Writing effective tender bids is a highly complex process which requires expert technical writing skills. However, not every business owner is an expert technical writer. Most companies fail to win tenders of their choice because they aim to draft the response themselves. Lack of knowledge required to analyse complicated tender documents, as well as lack of skills create professionally sound proposals and failure to follow strict deadlines often lead to bid rejection.

If you have little or no experience in tender writing, writing the bid yourself could mean risking a high-value private or government tender and potentially wasting your valuable time. Instead, you could opt for popular tender writing courses in Sydney to receive the valuable knowledge and writing skills to help you create effective and persuasive bids. If you cannot invest your valuable time in such courses, then it is better to hire a professional tender writer.

Madrigal Communications offers the services of expert technical writers who can draft a well-structured, compelling and persuasive bids to increase your chances of success.
A professional tender writers is an expert writer with commercial business knowledge and experience, and hiring an expert writer can bring you great return on investment and help you maximise your chances of winning a tender.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

The ABCs Of eTendering In NSW

‘eTendering is the online procurement of a tender opportunity’

NSW eTendering is an online tendering system thatshares information about tendering opportunities with potential tenderers. It is a government-controlled system that benefits both the NSW government and the tenderer by saving time, effort and cost in the tendering process. It also ensures transparency, a key aspect, as many business owners have previously questioned the integrity of the government in the tendering process.